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Do You Hear Rats in Your House? Identify These Rat Noises

One of the first signs of rats you’ll notice is the noises. These pests can be heard gnawing on floor joists, siding, and electrical wiring to grind down their front teeth when indoors. They also scamper within walls, commonly leading homeowners to misidentify them as larger pests. However, when the scurrying is paired with incessant squeaking, residents should assume the sounds are from rats or mice.

You are most likely to hear rats moving as opposed to vocalizations. Mice typically squeak but almost all of the rat sounds are ultrasonic. Rats make noises like squeaks, chirps, and hisses sound. They can communicate different emotions depending on the frequency of the noise. Often, squeaks or hisses signify that a rat is afraid or in pain.

The sounds of rats you will hear are movement noises. As rats travel between their nests and food sources in kitchens, pantries, or bathrooms, residents may hear rustling or scratching. Gnawing and rustling are also common rat noises.

Rat Sounds in the Walls

Known to infest homes during severe weather or when food is scarce, rats often utilize the space between walls. While people can sometimes pick up the sound of rats squeaking in walls, it is more common to notice louder, more repetitive activities. These typically include rustling or scratching noises in the wall when the pests run, as well as thumping sounds that occur when they bump surfaces. A gnawing sound in walls, when loud enough to detect, frequently signifies rat infestation. This can be cause for concern, as damaged wires are a serious fire hazard.

Rat Sounds in the Attic

Homeowners that hear scratching noises in the attic at night may be dealing with rats. These nocturnal pests typically enter homes through basements, subfloors, and hollow walls, though some species, such as roof rats, are particularly common in the attic. Common rat noises you can hhear include gnawing, clawing, scratching. If there is a rat nests, squeaking is usually the result of rats communicating with each other.

What Do Rat Sounds Mean?

Depending on their mood, these vocal pests make a variety of different sounds. Teeth chattering or clacking may indicate feelings of anxiety or contentment, while fighting rats can make a loud shrieking, hissing, or squeaking noise. In the attic, rodents may also keep homeowners up at night with sounds caused by their movement.

Identifying Different Rodent Noises

Rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels share a lot in common including the noises they make. Rodents tend to invest similar areas of the home like attics and walls. Their movement noises sound the same, and they can all squeak. How can you tell the difference if its a mouse, rat, or squirrel in your house?

When Do You Hear the Noises?

Rats are nocturnal while squirrels are diurnal. Homeowners may discover infestations when they hear rat noises at night. The best way to identify the rodents in your house is to hire a professional. It can be difficult to distinguish between the three species without proper training and experience. Before you attempt rodent control on your own, you need to know what animal you have and how many. A few store bought traps might not be enough to handle a large rat nest.

At Critter Control, we can quickly identify the rodent and develop a custom control plan to get rid of rodents. typically takes between 5-7 days, but it depends on the size of the house and how big the infestation is. Leave the guess work out of it and let the experts solve your rat problem.